Wednesday, September 25, 2013

New School Year!

We are almost into our second six weeks of this school year already. It is going by so fast. After last year, when I had such a great group of kids in my class, it was strange starting with a new group of students. I literally had nightmares over the summer for some reason. Then, even though e students were very well behaved, I didn't feel like I was going to be able to get close to this group. I really missed the students from last year. I still do. Those kids were a great group of kids.

But the students this year...they just snuck up on my heart. All of a sudden I am realizing how much I like these kids. Not only that, but they are the best behaved class I have ever had. I almost don't know how to react to this. They are awesome. I already feel like maybe this will be my best ever class. I didn't think I could top last year and that class will always be special to me. Now though, I am sure this will be a great year. I know i am going to enjoy this group of students. Now if I can only be the teacher that they deserve...

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