Tuesday, November 27, 2012

So I am not very good at blogging yet. This is obvious since I am not keeping up to date. We have been busy in class too. Here are some pictures of us before our PTA program, which was in October. The theme was "Possibilities" as in all of the possibilities we have for our future. It was a great program. Mrs. Nickerson is awesome at directing these. In the above picture, we are ready to get the show going.

The students dressed as the profession they wanted to be (if they know what that is) and most of our girls want to be actresses. Although, we have one veterinarian, a writer, and a shirt designer! Most of our boys want to be professional ball players. Go figure!

Dancing and singing about all of the possibilities. We can do anything!

In November, we went to the Opera. The students were excited, not only to be getting out of school for a while, but it was fun to get dressed up (for most of us).

Don't we look nice? Once there, we felt like we were in a fairy tale castle, getting to walk up the marble steps and the curving, glass stairway.

In class, we love to use technology. One of our favorite things to do is use iPads. In November we had QR codes that helped us learn about the presidential candidates and then again to find information on the French and Indian War.

Technology is fun!

Now we are up to date with our activities. Hopefully, I can do a better job of posting. Until next time!

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